AHA TRAINING CENTER     340-718-6358

St. Croix Rescue Academy

High Blood Pressure

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Blood pressure measures the force of blood pushing outwards on your arterial walls. It's written as two numbers, such as 112/78 mm Hg. High Blood Pressure means the pressure in your arteries is elevated. The top, systolic, number is the pressure when the heart beats. The bottom, diastolic, number is the pressure when the heart rests between beats. Optimal blood pressure is less than 120 mm Hg systolic and 80 mm Hg

Courses now available to train at the instructor level in each of the AHA Course disciplines. Please Contact Instructor.Training@StxRescueAcademy.com today to learn more about how you can get started today.


INSTRUCTOR  Resources:

We offer a continuum of instructor development programs.

We hope the following links are helpful to current or future instructors. We are always looking for talented instructors. If you are interested in teaching ACLS, PALS, CPR and/ or First Aid, please email us at Instructor.Training@StxRescueAcademy.

    1. American Heart Association:  www.americanheart.org
    2. National Safety Council:  www.nsc.org
    3. American Red Cross:  www.redcross.org
    4. Toastmasters:  www.toastmasters.org
    5. American Society for Training and Development (ASTD):  www.astd.org
    6. American Society for Training and Development (ASTD):  www.astd.org